Built-up roofing describes specific roofs that use a foundation of ply sheets and bitumen layers, typically with a pebble-like surface material on top. This type of commercial roof is particularly popular for low-slope rooftops. When high-quality materials are used, built-up roofs can offer numerous advantages for many different types of
Today’s homeowners have an important choice to make when it comes to their shingles — are dark or light shingles the best choice? This decision is about a lot more than just color; it can have an important impact on your home’s cooling capabilities, and how much money you spend
Spring is the perfect time in the Atlanta area to tackle roof projects! The weather is not yet so hot and sticky as it gets in summer, unexpected rainstorms are less of a concern, and the days are long enough to finish projects up quickly. But what does your roof
Low slope or flat roofs — where the slope rises less than four inches in a run of 12 inches — require special systems to prevent leaks. Whether the roof protects a giant industrial building or your home, you want to choose the best system for your structure. Most low-slope
Few things cause as much dismay as a roof leak. When properly installed and maintained, an asphalt shingle roof should last over twenty years if no damage occurs to it. Among other things, regular maintenance includes replacing liquid sealants (caulking) when they begin to dry out and shrink. Beyond the
If your metal roof is damaged or leaking, you have a few different options. You can replace the entire roof, you can retrofit a metal roof or you can coat the metal roof. Coating a metal roof is a cheaper and faster alternative to retrofitting a metal roof or replacing
Where do you stand on the topic of squirrels? Here in Atlanta, these furry friends have captured the imagination of many residents. In fact, the city is even home to the annual Inman Park Squirrel Census, a scientific and cultural event that involves tallying the number of Eastern gray squirrels
Have you been holding back on installing solar panels for your home because of how they look or the need for structural upgrades to support the additional weight? With the latest advances in solar roofing from a joint project between Tesla Solar and SolarCity, you may not have to deal
Most buildings, both residential and commercial, could stand to operate a little greener. An energy efficient system over your head goes a long way towards keeping your utility expenditures from literally rising through the roof. What can you do to make your roof more energy efficient? Read on to find
After a storm, it’s always a good idea to check your home for damage. Some destruction will be obvious, like broken tree branches on your roof or smashed skylights. But when it’s not so plain, how can you tell if you’re looking at the aftermath of a storm or ordinary
For many homeowners in the South, black streaking on the surface of their home’s roof is a common problem. Many people are unaware of the cause of those unsightly streaks, and some will either fail to take the proper steps to address the problem or cause damage to the surface
Heat can plow through insulation, penetrate roof structures and drive cooling costs — well — through the roof. Energy efficient roofing materials, however, can solve this dilemma. Researchers rate the efficiency of rooftops using the familiar Energy Star system used to rate home appliances. The system is highly beneficial, as
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Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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