Rosie's Roofing and Restoration Atlanta



If you have an older roof on your home, you may find yourself wondering whether you should upgrade it to a new roof, or whether you should keep the roof you have until it fails. There are many reasons why installing a new roof may make financial sense if your existing one is old and nearing the end of its lifespan. Here are the top four reasons why a new roof makes financial sense.

Improved Resale Value

A roof is a significant investment, and many new buyers do not want to buy a new home only to have to turn around and install a new roof. As such, installing a new roof has many benefits if you plan on selling your home in the near future. A roof has a high return on investment (ROI). This means that installing a new roof can help to increase the value of your home. A new roof can also help your home to sell faster, which is always a plus.

Increases Your Curb Appeal

A roof is a large surface on the exterior of your home. Most people do not think much of the aesthetics of a roof, but since it takes up a lot of space, it can deter or add to the look of your home. Newer roofing materials come in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and looks to help enhance the look of your home and add much-needed curb appeal.


You Get a Longer Warranty

Newer roofs have a long warranty. If you have an old roof on your home, chances are, the warranty has long since expired. This means you are paying for every repair out of pocket. Newer roofs have longer warranties than ever before, helping to cover the roof for 20, 30 or even 50 years. This gives you peace of mind that you won’t have to make costly residential roofing repairs or roof replacement anytime in the near future.

Energy Savings

The last reason a new roof makes financial sense is that new roofs can help you to save energy. New roofs work to keep outdoor air out of your home and indoor air in. This reduces the amount of time you have to run your air conditioner or heater. In turn, this reduces the amount of money it costs to heat or cool your home.

Do you have an older roof on your home? If so, it may be time to think about replacing it. Here at Rosie’s Roofing and Restoration, a reliable roofing company in Atlanta can inspect your roof and determine if a new one makes sense for you. Call us today to schedule your roofing inspection.

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