Your commercial roofing system is essential to your commercial building. The roof keeps moisture out, helps with your energy usage and helps keep the items stored inside of the building safe and sound. As such, it is vital to properly maintain your commercial roof. Unfortunately, many commercial building owners have no idea what this consists of and what their roof maintenance plan should look like. Here are a few key points that should be included on your roof maintenance plan.

Keep Detailed Records of Everything

When putting together a roof maintenance plan, one of the first things that you need to do is get organized. It is important to keep detailed records of everything in regards to your roof. You want to know when the roof was installed, what types of materials were used on the roof, what type of warranty the roof came with and keep track of your inspection and repair receipts. All of this information can help you determine when inspections are needed in the future, what types of repairs may be needed and when and whether any needed work is covered by a warranty you may have or not.

Have Professional Roof Inspections Performed

Another important step in a roof maintenance plan is to have a professional roof inspection performed routinely. Not every roof needs to be inspected on the same schedule. Some commercial roofs need to be inspected every six months, while others need to be inspected yearly. The frequency in which your roof needs to be inspected varies based on the age of your roof, the condition of your roof, what materials the roof is made from, whether you have a flat or sloped roof and the weather elements where you live. A great roofing company will let you know how often you truly need a roof inspection performed. From there, you should keep track of the roof inspections and be sure to schedule your roof inspection as needed.


Perform Routine Roof Maintenance

The last step to a roof maintenance plan is to have routine roof maintenance performed as needed. Roof inspections are so important because they allow a roofing company to take a good look at your roof and look for potential problems. This allows them to catch minor problems before they turn into larger problems that can be more damaging and costly to repair. If a roofing company spots problems, it is important to follow up and have those issues repaired to extend the life of your roof.

If your roof is in need of inspection, repair or replacement, we at Rosie’s Roofing and Restoration, a reliable roofing company in Atlanta can help you. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, we have the experience and know-how to help you with all of your roofing needs. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation.


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