Over the last decade, solar panels have grown in popularity with homeowners across Atlanta. Now commercial property owners are beginning to discover how solar panels can create a more energy-efficient property for their business. If you are considering solar panels as either a supplement to your current power or as a total replacement, then now is the time to look into all the features and benefits that solar panels have to offer. Let’s take a closer look at the highlights of installing solar panels on your building and what they can do for you.

The Financial Benefits

The most commonly asked question about solar panels is how much they will save a business owner both initially and in the long-term. Commercial properties that utilize a high rate of energy are more likely to gain from solar power. Smaller companies, however, that use as much or more than the average household will also experience savings. Consider this:

  • Solar PV systems use five pence per kWh of power. By comparison, conventional power uses eleven to fifteen pence per unit.
  • Considering the cost of installation and the materials, solar panels will pay for themselves in less than ten years. In some cases, panels will pay for themselves in three to five years.
  • Energy rates are expected to soar five to eleven percent in Atlanta by the end of 2017. Business owners who utilize solar panels will never have to worry about rate hikes again. Their rate of energy usage will always stay the same.

Government Subsidies and Tax Breaks

Why not get the government on your side? Business owners can benefit from tax breaks and subsidies from the U.S. Federal Government:


  • The Feed-in Tariff (FiT) rewards companies about four pence per unit of electricity that solar panels generate. The rate is set for the next two decades to meet expected inflation. Your rate will never go up regardless of energy costs nationwide. Any unused energy is paid back to your business.
  • Solar panels qualify as capital allowances during tax time. Since they are plant and machinery write-offs, they can be included against your company’s profits. This means that your first-year return on the investment will be significantly higher due to the tax breaks.


Simply put, panels are the future. Businesses that implement solar technology can expect long-term results in both savings and product dependability. Since solar panels require no moving parts, they will last for up to three decades. Most manufacturers offer a 25-year warranty to their solar panels. Keep in mind that this is just the beginning. As the technology improves so will the quality of the product.

Solar panels draw the energy from the most powerful source known to man: the sun. It is the most secure form of energy that will never go away. Solar panels are a sustainable model for this reason alone. The greatest feature of panels is that they store energy. This means that your company will still be operating on cloudy days. You’ll never have to worry about losing your energy source.

Do You Have Questions About Solar Panels?

If you want to know more about the features and benefits of solar panels, then contact Rosie’s Roofing and Restoration, a professional roofing company. We provide a wide range of services and products for home and business owners in Atlanta, Georgia and the surrounding area. We can help you find solar panel solutions that work for your residential or commercial property. Call us at 888-502-0221 or message us on our contact page to get started.


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